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Download 2024 July Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes – July 15, 2024


Approved -- Holy Trinity Catholic Parish Pastoral Council Minutes -- July 15, 2024, 7:30 PM

Present: Teresa Buck, Taylor Dowden, Pam Harmon, Steve Welscher, Henry Keller, Fr. McCabe

Meeting documents: Agenda, Minutes of May 20, 2024, Holy Trinity Parish Pastoral Council Constitution and Bylaws, Proxy Letter St. Mary’s Church repairs, Feasibility Summary Findings Archdiocese St. Paul and Minneapolis, and Holy Trinity Parish Budget vs Actual 7/23 to 4/24

I. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 by Steve Welscher. Opening Prayer was by Fr. McCabe.

II. Review of the May 20, 2024 minutes with discussion. Spelling error and two motion names were corrected. Motion by Teresa Buck and seconded by Taylor Dowden to approve the corrected minutes. Motion passed.

III. Steve Welscher asked each member to update the council contact list document. He will obtain the updates from absent members and share the updated list with each pastoral council member.

IV. Holy Trinity Parish—Pastor updates

A. New council member, Teresa Buck is replacing Karen Albers of Holy Trinity Church, and Teresa was welcomed to the Parish Pastoral Council. (The pastoral council is composed of 9 voting members, 3 members from each church in the Parish.) Teresa Buck will replace Randy Nardinger as liaison to the Parish Finance Council as Randy is now a member of the Parish Finance Council. The current Pastoral Council open positions are: One member from each of the three Churches which would fulfill the by-laws to have nine voting members.

B. Regina Poncelet wants to share a concern about funerals but was not available and may attend a future meeting.

C. Review of Parish Pastoral Council Constitution and By Laws. Additional suggested updates continued from prior meetings and were discussed:

i. Article II (mission) Father McCabe suggested the mission be reviewed. Father also mentioned expense items over $25k should be taken to the parish council for advisement/thoughts to him. He asked each member to review the entire document at home and share feedback with him directly.

ii. Article IV (meetings) – The Parish Pastoral Council will meet bi-monthly or more frequently as needed for special concerns/issues or emergencies. If needed, meetings may occur virtually. In an emergency, meeting votes can be conducted via email, but not via text. These changes were discussed. Teresa Buck made a motion to approve this change. Seconded by Taylor Dowden. No further discussion. Motion passed. Father McCabe will update the document and send it to the Archdiocese for approval.

D. The Archdiocese is planning an Archdiocese wide capital campaign to raise $250 million to advance Christ’s mandate to proclaim and live the Gospel of life and salvation. Archbishop Hebda will secure the first $50 million, and then each parish will be asked to collect a donation above and beyond the weekly collection and Catholic Service Appeal collection, of which 60% will be going to parish projects and 40% will be going to the Archdiocese Central Office, hopefully reaching the goal of $200 million. The first phase will start in 2025. More information forthcoming, hopefully before our November meeting. Father McCabe shared the Feasibility Study of the Archdiocese.

E. ―Synod‖is a Greek word that means walking together on the same path; syn = same odo = path. Our three goals are:

i. Grow a vibrant Youth/Family Ministry program.

1. Cana Family Institute is taking the Summer off, it will restart in the Fall.

2. 7 students were given $250 each to support costs in attending Extreme Faith Camp in the new St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese Retreat Center: Trinity Woods, in Trego, Wisconsin.

ii. Continue to build community life between our three churches.

1. Parish picnic will be hosted by the Church of St. Mary on Thursday, Aug. 22, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary. Mass at 6:00 PM (St. Mary) followed by 7:00 PM reception at the Bellechester Community Center.



iii. Reclaim Sundays for faith and family.

F. We have 9 Synod Parish Evangelizations Cell (PECS) small groups meeting weekly.

i. Starting July 2024, the Year II Plan will begin to be implemented. The plan will focus on building up existing Small Groups and focusing on the Mass with an emphasis on hospitality before and after Mass, learning more deeply about the Mass, and seeing Sundays as a time to relish the ―fire of the Holy Spirit.‖

G. Holy Trinity projects: (completed since May 20th meeting=carpet cleaned June 7, 2024, and storage shed was re-shingled by Calvin Peterson.)

a. New microphone for singers in the balcony to replace the wireless mic. Some parishioners have donated money to replace the faulty system, and others have offered financial assistance.

b. A/C units seem to be operational, but only intermittently. It should be checked into for preventative maintenance.

c. Is the flat roof ice-dam leak resolved? Ann Buck sent an email when occurred and Father McCabe will confirm.

H. St. Columbkill projects: (completed since May 20th meeting=the dead/diseased ash trees were removed.)

a. St. Columbkill will have a meeting after the 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday, July 21 to discuss options for major maintenance and possible addition to the church. This will include the issues identified due to the light shining through in the basement, which was discussed at the May 20th meeting.

I. St. Mary projects:

a. Completed since the May 20th meeting: completed repairing the 3 small flat roofs to metal roofs with reinforced flashing on the east and west sides. Since completion there have been no leaks in those areas. However, the main roof needs to be re-shingled and some minor repairs to prevent leaking in the main part of the church. The St. Mary maintenance committee reviewed two bids with Fr. McCabe and recommends that the Holy Trinity Parish contract with Felber & Sons Roofing Co. At 8:30 PM tonight a special meeting of the Finance Council with the parish trustees will commence to move forward with this project. Fr. McCabe still needs a proxy (permission) from the Archdiocese who is the underwriter of all its holdings and properties. (The proxy letter was shared at this meeting.)

V. Liturgy update – Fr. McCabe

A. No new items were covered.

VI. Faith Formation Update – Catholic Vacation Bible Camp is set for July 30, 31, and Aug. 1.


Maria Schultz is overseeing it this year. The Confirmation Students will be the primary teachers with adults supervising.

VII. Catholic Young Adult group meets generally on the 3rd Sunday of the month for a potluck, presentation or activity, and ends with devotions. July 21 they will have volleyball, picnic and Rosary Rosie’s Park and if inclement weather, will meet at HT Community room.

VIII. New business:

A. There has been interest, but no total commitment to the position as the Holy Trinity Parish Custodial/Maintenance person. This work is being completed by Father McCabe currently and the role needs to be filled to allow Father time for his ministries.

B. Teresa Buck shared the Holy Trinity Parish profit and loss budget vs actual for July 2023 to April 2024.

IX. Motion made by Pam Harmon to adjourn the meeting at 8:40PM. Seconded by Teresa Buck. Motion passed. Next meeting is September 16, 2024, at 7:30 PM at Holy Trinity Church. An additional tentative meeting date for 2024 is on the 3rd Monday of the month: November 18.

X. Closing Prayer by Father McCabe.


Respectfully submitted,

Pam Harmon


Download a pdf of the 2024 May Parish Council Meeting Minutes


Approved - Holy Trinity Parish Pastoral Council Minutes – May 20, 2024, 7:30 PM

Present: Randy Nardinger, Taylor Dowden, Pam Harmon, Steve Welscher, Henry Keller, Chris O‘Reilly, Father McCabe

I. Meeting called to order by Steve Welscher at 7:30. Opening Prayer by Father McCabe.

II. Minutes of last meeting, March 2024 were read. Motion to approve by Steve Welscher. Seconded by Chris O‘Reilly. Motion carried. Place in Sunday bulletin.

III. Henry Keller submitted his letter of resignation from the Parish Pastoral Council.

IV. New Parish Council Member, Pam Harmon was welcomed.

V. Holy Trinity Parish—Pastor updates

A. Parish Pastoral Council Constitution and By Laws still need to be reviewed by the Archdiocese.The document was reviewed, and a motion accepted from Steve Welscher to amend the Bylaws, Article 1, to read: The Parish Pastoral Council shall be composed of nine (9) members; three (3) St. Mary’s, three (3) St. Columbkill and three (3) Holy Trinity parishioners. Members who serve three-year terms with the possibility of two (2) additional consecutive terms. Former Parish Pastoral Council members are eligible for reappointment after a single term off the Council. Motion to approve by Chris O‘Reilly and seconded by Taylor Dowden. Motion carried to recommend changes to Father McCabe to be submitted to Archdiocese.

B. Members on the Pastoral Council were asked to share parishioner names with Father McCabe for consideration to ensure the 3-3-3 council representation.

C. ―Synod‖is a Greek word that means walking together on the same path; syn = same odo = path. Our three goals are:

i. Grow a vibrant Youth/Family Ministry program.

1. Knights of Columbus raised money for our youth programs, approximately $350.00

2. Seven students are interested in ‗Extreme Faith Camp in the new St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese Retreat Cetner/Trinity Woods, in Trego, Wisconsin.

ii. Continue to build community life between our three churches.

1. Parish picnic is planned for Thursday, August 22nd, on the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, 6:00 p.m. Mass at St. Mary, and 7:00 p.m. reception at Bellechester Community Center. A recommendation was made for recognition of past parish council members and karaoke.

iii. Reclaim Sundays for faith and family.

D. We have 8 Synod Parish Evangelizations Cell (PECS) smallgroups meeting weekly. Executive Team Committee members Eric Ryan - Chair, Micayla Ryan - Secretary and Jeremy Keller – Prayer Coordinator, are happy with the response, but hope that we can continue after the Easter Season.

a. Starting July 2024, the Year II plan will begin to be implemented which will focus on building up existing Small Groups and focusing on the Mass with an emphasis on hospitality before and after Mass, learning more deeply about the Mass, and seeing Sundays as a time to relish the ―fire of the Holy Spirit.‖

E. Holy Trinity projects:

a. Community room carpet: Friday, June 7th, America‘s Best Carpet Cleaning Company will clean the Community Room and hallway, 8:30-4:00 p.m.

b. New microphone for singers in balcony to replace the wireless mic. Some parishioners have donated money to replace the faulty system, and other parishioners have come



forward to offer their financial assistance. Father McCabe has been in contact with one company that wants more time for assistance.

c. The air conditioning unit needs to be serviced.

d. The shed will be re-shingled by Calvin Peterson soon.

e. The flat roof leak issues need clarification on who is looking into resolution. Ann Buck sending this to Father McCabe.

F. St. Columbkill projects:

a. Light shining into the basement from outside suggests a hole in the foundation and Bruce McNamara has investigated it. He will propose a solution.

b. Three ash trees have died. Father McCabe has not yet contacted Huemann Tree Removal.

G. St. Mary projects:

a. St. Mary has completed repairing the three small flat roofs to become inclined, metal roofs and reinforced the flashing on east and west sides. No leaks since then.

b. Father McCabe is waiting for insurance certification for proposed work on kitchen drawers.

VI. Liturgy update – Father McCabe


A. Four new altar servers were trained with Diane Ryan‘s help and two are ready to serve.

VII. Catholic Young Adult group meets generally on the 3rd Sunday of the month for a potluck, presentation or activity, and ends with devotions. March 17th – St. Patrick‘s Day was a video and an Irish meal with 8 in attendance. April 28th – (this was the 4th Sunday due to conflict) newly Confirmed Catholic from Lutheran tradition gave his testimony about how he embraced the fullness of the Catholic faith. Nine people were in attendance. May 19th – only 4 attended volleyball, picnic and rosary due to weather concerns. Picnic and rosary were prayed and then watched the Timberwolves game.

VIII. Youth and Family Ministry committee (This was not discussed/not covered.)

IX. Financial update – Randy Nardinger, liaison to Parish Finance Council, gave update.

X. Other old business: No other items discussed.

XI. New business:

A. The Finance Council has given Father McCabe the green light to hire a new custodial/maintenance person to replace Brett Hayward and to cut Holy Trinity‘s lawn since the volunteer has resigned from doing it. The other churches have contracted lawn care. One person accepted the position but resigned after discussing with their spouse. Another adult who fits the job description is interested, please pray.

B. A Parish wide garage sale was held during the Goodhue Chamber of Commerce citywide sales. The Holy Trinity Parish garage sale included a bake sale and a food stand. Special thanks to Eva Diercks for her leadership, to Sue Diercks for managing the financial details and to the many Open Hearts prayer group and parishioners that donated time, talents and donations. Proceeds will benefit our parish youth programs. The motion was made by Chris O‘Reilly and seconded by Henry Keller to have $250.00 scholarships per student attending the Extreme Faith Camp. Discussion followed. All voted in favor and the motion passed to recommend to Fr. McCabe.

XII. Next meeting date: Monday, July 15, 2024, at 7:30 PM at Holy Trinity Church. Additional tentative meeting dates for 2024 on the 3rd Monday of the month are: Sept. 16 and Nov.18.

XIII. Closing Prayer

XIV. Motion to adjourn by Henry Keller and seconded by Chris O‘Reilly.


Respectfully submitted by Pam Harmon.


Download a pdf of the 2024 March Parish Council Meeting Minutes


Approved Minutes

Holy Trinity Parish Pastoral Council Minutes – March 18, 2024, 7:30 PM

Present: Randy Nardinger, Mary Jo O’Reilly, Mary Haggerty, Ken Haggerty, Steve Welscher, Henry Keller, Chris O’Reilly, Fr. McCabe

I. Meeting called to order by Steve Welscher at 7:30PM. Opening Prayer by Father.

II. Minutes of last meeting (November 2023), were read. Motion to approve by Chris. Seconded by Randy. (Place in Sunday bulletin.)

III. Welcome of new Parish Council Member Taylor Dowden. He also represents Holy Trinity Parish at Archbishop’s Pastoral Council.

IV. Holy Trinity Parish—Pastor updates

A. Parish Pastoral Council Constitution and By Laws still need to be reviewed by the Archdiocese.

B. ―Synod‖is a Greek word that means walking together on the same path; syn = same odo = path. Our three goals are:

i. Grow a vibrant Youth/Family Ministry program.

ii. Continue to build community life between our three churches.

iii. Reclaim Sundays for faith and family.

C. We have 8 Synod Parish Evangelizations Cell (PECS) smallgroups meeting weekly. Executive Team Committee members Eric Ryan - Chair, Micayla Ryan - Secretary and Jeremy Keller – Prayer Coordinator, are happy with the response, but hope that we can continue after the Easter Season.

D. Holy Trinity projects:

a. Community room carpet: The company that was recommended never replied back to Sara McNamara after months of trying to connect with them. Fr. McCabe is exploring two other companies to clean the carpet.

b. New microphone for singers in balcony to replace the wireless mic. Some parishioners have donated money to replace faulty system, and other parishioners have come forward to offer their financial assistance. Fr. McCabe needs to wait until after Easter to move on this project.

c. A/C unit needs to be serviced. Fr. McCabe needs to wait until after Easter.

E. St. Columbkill projects:

a. Light shining in the basement from outside suggests a hole in the foundation and Bruce McNamara has looked into it. When spring comes he will look into more closely and may find it needs only caulking.

F. St. Mary projects:

a. St. Mary has completed piping work at cemetery. Contracts for 3 small flat roofs to become inclined roofs, but John Huneke is in communication and will have insurance and license information from contractor.

b. Fr. McCabe’s apartment rectory has new flooring and a new shower. He thanks all the volunteers who helped him move out and move back in, and those volunteers who helped with the projects.

V. Liturgy update – Fr. McCabe


A. Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministry was reviewed and five new EE Ministers were trained.

B. Three new lectors were trained with the help of Karen Albers.

C. Three new altar servers were trained with Diane Ryan’s help.

VI. Faith Formation Update – See attachment

VII. Catholic Young Adult group meets generally on the 3rd Sunday of the month for a potluck, presentation or activity, and ends devotions: Dec. 17 - Christmas caroling reached about 30

people with stops at Goodhue Apartments where catechumens Fred Graack, a paraplegic, and Wilma and Laural Seither reside; Goodhue Senior Living; and many homes along the way. Jan. 21 – Prolife presentation and 1 hour of prayer and adoration, with some other parishioners joining us for prayer. Feb. was dedicated to helping with Mardi Gras which was a success and netted about $2,900.00.

VIII. Youth and Family Ministry committee members organized Mardi Gras, which although competed with the Super Bowl, still was successful. 10% of proceeds will go to First Choice prolife clinic.

IX. Financial update – Randy Nardinger, liaison to Parish Finance Council, will give update.

X. Other old business: Fr. McCabe was able to work with Brandon Schafer with regard to thermostat settings at Holy Trinity Church. The internet at St. Columbkill was paid for by Fr. McCabe and is being used by his Parish Evangelization Cell small group.

XI. New business: Finance Council has given Fr. McCabe green light to hire a new custodial/maintenance person to replace Brett Hayward, and to cut HT lawn since volunteer doing that has resigned. The other churches have contracts for lawn care.

XII. St. Columbkill organized the Holy Trinity Parish Picnic in conjunction with Fr. McCabe’s installation by Archbishop Hebda. It was a wonderful event and the bishop and Fr. McCabe’s parents and friends were impressed. St. Mary Church, Bellechester, is scheduled to host the Parish Picnic. I suggest that we host it on Wednesday, August 14, PM after or before Vigil Mass of the Assumption of Mary, or Thursday, August 15 after or before the Solemn Mass of the Assumption of Mary. Ellen Huneke is looking at helping to organize it, whether it is on those days or not.

XIII. Next meeting date: Monday, May 20, 2024 at 7:30 PM at Holy Trinity Church. Additional tentative meeting dates for 2024 on the 3rd Monday of the month are: July 15, September 16 and November 18.

XIV. Closing Prayer

XV. Motion to adjourn by Chris. Seconded by Taylor.


Respectfully submitted by Henry Keller, transcribed by Maria Schultz



Download a pdf of the 2021 October Parish Council Meeting Minutes



Present were Bob Eppen, Karen Albers, Mary Jo O’Reilly, Chris O’Reilly, Jean Schulte, Randy Nardinger, Henry Keller, Steve Welscher, Sara McNamara, and Fr. McCabe.

I. Meeting was called to order by Bob Eppen. Opening prayer by Fr. McCabe.

II. Minutes were read. Motion to approve by Karen Albers and seconded by Mary Jo O’Reilly. Motion carried.

III. Holy Trinity Parish

o Parish Pastoral Council Constitution and By Laws was tabled until November Meeting.

o Archdiocesan Synod – Ideas are being generated. Teaching event is being developed that can also be used for confirmation retreat.

IV. Church Updates

o Holy Trinity

 Sounds system will be worked on Oct 7th.

 Lawn mower needs to be replaced.

o St. Mary’s

 Railings in front of church need powder coating.

 Turn around area discussion put on hold until residence for Father is decided.

 Roof is on hold.

o St. Columbkill

 Bats are still an issue. Gary is checking into issue. Plunkett’s quoted $8000.

 Mold is an issue yet. Gary Anfinson quoted $500 to seal dormers. He does not do clean up.

 Updating quotes for church addition.

V. Liturgy Team Updates

o Digital piano has been ordered for $4000 for Holy Trinity. Piano is on back order.

o Recruiting for new liturgical roles. New people are being trained.

VI. Faith Formation

o Sept. 22nd open house went very well.

o Students registered: 1-6: 48 students, high school 7-10: 25 students, high school 11-12: 4 students.

o Number of Catechists: 15. Approximate number of substitutes: 5.

VII. Catholic Young Adult Group

o Organization and Pizza Party Tues. Oct. 19, St. Mary 7:30-9:30.

o Brett Hayward is helping with clean up at all three churches.

VIII. Finance Update by Bob Eppen

o Audit will happen soon. Clifton Larson Allen Firm has been selected to perform audit.

o Financials from August 2020 and 2021 were discussed.

o Discussion about online giving was discussed and will be checked into.

o Father will discuss where to invest money with Archdiocesan advisors.

IX. Catholic Services Appeal

o Appeal giving is on track but there is a way to go. Goal is $9,856 and $8,295 has donated so far.

X. Archdiocesan Parish Financial Report must be submitted by end of October.

o Lindsey Buck is organizing a prayer walk Sept 3rd – 10th along north side of Holy Trinity.

o 9/11 adoration from 8:30-10AM and Mass at 10-11AM.

XI. Next Meeting is November 15th, 2021.

XII. Closing Prayer by Father McCabe. Motion to adjourn meeting by Randy Nardinger and seconded by Chris O’Reilly. Motion carried.

Submitted by Steve Welscher




Download a pdf of the 2021 August Parish Council Meeting Minutes


Submitted by Steve Welscher


Present were Ken and Mary Haggerty, Bob Eppen, Karen Albers, Mary Jo O’Reilly, Randy Nardinger, Steve Welscher, Sara McNamara, and Fr. McCabe.

I. Meeting was called to order by Bob Eppen. Opening prayer by Fr. McCabe.

II. Minutes meeting were read. Motion to approve by Karen Albers and seconded by Mary Jo O’Reilly. Motion carried.

III. Holy Trinity Parish

o Archdiocesan Synod is in the third year with 10 ambassadors from Holy Trinity. More positions to be filled with meeting scheduled. More meetings to be scheduled and will be in the bulletin.

o Copier has been purchased. New bulletin has been developed and is being used. Ads will be sold for $250 per block per year. Good investment!

o Nuvera is upgrading TV’s to be smart TV’s. Hardware and setup cost is $1400.

IV. Church Updates

o Holy Trinity

 AC is running too much and needs to be checked. Father McCabe to schedule.

 Need to get lights by curb. Fr. McCabe is going to get Brett Hayward to paint stripes.

o St. Mary’s

 Railings in front of church need powder coating.

 Pest control for bees above bride’s room. Monitoring status but improving.

 Roof is on hold.

 Tiling is complete and hole in back has been filled.

o St. Columbkill

 Bats are an issue again.Gary is checking into issue.

 Mold is an issue yet.

 Statues are back.

V. Liturgy Team Updates

o Digital piano has been ordered for $4000 for Holy Trinity. 1 week delivery with $2,700 to be paid yet.

o Recruiting for new liturgical roles.

VI. Faith Formation

o Sept. 22nd open house.

o Registration will be coming out in next couple weeks.

o Teacher are meeting to learn from each other on best practices.

VII. Catholic Young Adult Group

o Brett Hayward from Cannon Falls is a group member and has volunteered to help with cleaning tasks.

o Brian Gibson spoke at August 15th meeting and was well received.

VIII. Finance Update by Bob Eppen

o Audit with leadership change is $5K from three different firms. Firm to be selected yet.

o Financials from July 2020 and 2021 were provided. July 2021 is even better than 2020.

IX. Catholic Services Appeal

o Giving is on track but there is a way to go. Fr. McCabe to make announcement to parishioners.

X. Other

o Lindsey Buck is organizing a prayer walk Sept 3rd – 10th along north side of Holy Trinity.

o 9/11 adoration from 8:30-10AM and mass at 10-11AM.

XI. Next Meeting is September 20th, 2021 and November 15th, 2021.

XII. Closing Prayer by Father McCabe. Motion to adjourn meeting. Motion carried.



Download a pdf of the 2021 July Parish Council Meeting Minutes



Present were Ken and Mary Haggerty, Bob Eppen, Karen Albers, Chris O’Reilly, Henry Keller, Jean Schulte, Randy Nardinger, Steve Welscher, Sara McNamara, and Fr. McCabe. 

I. Meeting was called to order by Bob Eppen. Opening prayer by Fr. McCabe. 

II. Minutes meeting were read. Motion to approve by Henry Keller and seconded by Jean Schulte. Motion carried. 

III. Holy Trinity Parish 

o Archdiocesan Synod - Bishop wants good participation with 10 ambassadors from Holy Trinity. 

o Trustee roles will be reviewed. 

IV. Parochial Administrator Updates 

o Proposed new masses changes will be tried for 3 months. 

o Bulletin will be changing but not sure how yet. Ad letter versus LPI. 

V. Church Updates 

o Holy Trinity 

 Light is needed at west entrance of church so people can see curbing when leaving in the dark. Light could possibly be turned on with motion detector. Paint curb with stripes. 

o St. Mary’s 

 Railings in front of church need powder coating. 

 Abortion Memorial Garden needs to be completed yet. 

 Dirt for cemetery leveling has been delivered. Roof is on hold. 

o St. Columbkill 

 Bats are an issue again. Hole opened where old cistern was in parking lot. Filled again. 

 Four statues are being restored. Two have been painted and two getting prepped. 

 Building project is still on hold. Septic Tank is full and needs pumping. Vasa does it for free. 

VI. Liturgy Team Updates 

o Family model will be used to build family teamwork. 

o Looking into digital pianos. Cost is $3,400, $4,700, and $6,600 for the three models. 

o Recruiting for readers and singers. Looking to develop a new program. 

VII. Faith Formation 

o Spring Audit was done to make sure training and Virtus training was up to date. Two safe lessons per year are required for students with greater than 90% participation 

o Summary of First Meeting where Christ is Primary Teacher and Parents are Primary Educator. 

VIII. Catholic Young Adult Group 

o Would like to restart program with bigger scope and regroup. 

o Would like to involve more young men and women with spin off from Bible Study. 

o Brian Gibson will be speaker at August 15th meeting. 

IX. Finance Update by Bob Eppen 

o Survived Covid because of generous giving from parishioners. New budget has been set. 

o Financial review is required with change of leadership. 

X. Catholic Services Appeal 

o Giving is on track. 

XI. Other 

o Sisters of Notre Dame requested donation of $300. St. Mary’s is 1 of 300 parishes served. Served at St. Mary’s from 1881-1969. 

XII. Next Meeting is August 26th, 2021. 

XIII. Closing Prayer by Father McCabe. Motion to adjourn meeting. Motion carried. 


Submitted by Steve Welscher


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A group for the whole family! In an effort to slow down our family life in a fast paced world, we meet together to better understand the Catholic faith, for fellowship, & to pray. If you are interested, please call and we can tell you more! Eric & Micayla Ryan 651-380-6135

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Holy Trinity Catholic Church

211 4th St. N, PO Box 275 
Goodhue, MN 55027


St. Columbkill Catholic Church

36483 Co 47 Blvd, PO Box 275 
Goodhue, MN 55027



St. Mary Catholic Church

221 Chester Ave

Bellechester, MN 55027


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©2023 Holy Trinity Parish

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