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News & Events

175th Anniversary


The 175th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis provides us with an ideal opportunity for counting our blessings. When Bishop Joseph Cretin was named the first bishop of St. Paul on July 23, 1850, who could have anticipated the vitality of the parishes, schools, ministries, and Catholic insti-tutions that today constitute the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis? The Lord has indeed blessed us in abundance, and I feel privileged to be able to serve as your shepherd at this historic time.
Please know of my prayers for you and your loved ones throughout this Jubilee Year. I ask in re-turn for your prayers for the Archdiocese. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, may we continue to spread the good news of Jesus and build upon the strong foun-dation that has been our legacy these past 175 years.
Sincerely in Christ,
+Bernard A. Hebda
Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign

March 4

40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign will begin in Rochester with an Opening Prayer Vigil on Tuesday, March 4, at 5 pm on the public right away in front of Planned Parenthood at 1212 7th Street NW. Please park north of 7th Street NW on side streets or at Cook Park and walk over. Join us to pray for an end to abortion.

40 Days for Life vigils

March 5

40 Days for Life vigils begin March 5, Ash Wednesday,whereby thousands of peaceful, prayerful will stand vigil to protect the most vulnerable among us, the preborn child. God has used this “40 Days for Life” organization in 2024: +25,308 babies saved from abortion; +268 abortion workers leave their jobs and convert; +157 abortion facilities CLOSED and out of business, (45% in pro-abortion states); +1,000,000 pro-life Americans praying and standing vigil; +20,000 churches standing up for life. March 5 begins the season of Lent; let us offer up the Stations of the Cross and our other penances for a deeper conversion in our own life, and those who would harm vulnerable children.

Andrew Dinner

February 25

Tuesday, Feb. 25, 6-8 p.m., Archdiocesan Catholic Center, St. Paul. The Andrew Dinner is an opportunity for men, ages 16-50, who are interested in learning more about the priesthood. The dinner is hosted by Archbishop Bernard Hebda and Father Mark Pavlak, vocation director. The evening includes prayer, dinner and conversation with vocations testimonies on priesthood and religious life. It is typical for a pastor, deacon, religious or youth minister to accompany each discerning guest. Registration deadline is Friday, January 21. For more information, contact Fr.McCabe.

Contribution Envelopes


Contribution Envelopes are now being mailed to parishioners quarterly. If you have not yet received your contribution envelopes and would like to, please contact the Parish Office.

Energy Assistance Program


Need help paying your energy bills? Greater Minnesota Gas, Inc. (GMG) offers a federally funded program to help pay home heating costs, furnace repairs and could offer energy efficiency home upgrades for income qualified customers. Call 1-800-657-3710 for assistance.

Eucharistic Revival


“There is no better preparation for Holy Communion other
than offering it to the Immaculate...She will prepare our
heart in the best way possible, and we will be sure to give
Jesus the greatest of joys and to show him the greatest of
loves.” St. Maximilian Kolbe

Goodhue Lions Spring Brunch

March 2


HT/SC Cemetery Board


HT/SC Cemetery Board is seeking input from parishioners with ideas for projects to further enhance our cemetery. Do you have a particular area of interest (i.e. contemplation, beauty, accessibility, practicality, tranquility)? Contact a Cemetery Association Board member: Fr. McCabe, Brian Buck, Billy Gadient, Wayne Gadient, Maureen Lodermeier, Jerome McNamara or Marty O‟Connor

Holy Family Catholic Adoption


Holy Family Catholic Adoption is the only Catholic adoption agency in the Archdiocese and was created in 2001 to save babies from abortion through the loving offer of adoption. It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and relies upon donations.
Please consider a donation to assist in this pro-life ministry. More information at or holyfamilyadoption@

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention


The Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for February 2025: For vocations to the priesthood and religious life Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ's mission in the priesthood and religious life.

Holy Trinity Parish Annual Financial Report 2023-2024


Thank you for your generous support! Copies of the annual report at church entrances this weekend. Summary: each church met their budgetary goal, although we are short a parish maintenance/custodial part time person, and have no money set aside for deferred maintenance. In August we replaced the main roof at St. Mary and tarred a small roof section at Holy Trinity, but these are not included in this report because the new financial year began in July. However, the $16,000.00 flat roof repair at St. Mary is included. St. Mary's financial outlook is good because the investment income from the Beulah Wahlin Estate offset this repair. This generous estate gift also paid for the $70,000.00 roof replacement at St. Mary, which will be on the next annual report. The interior repairs at St. Mary because of past water damage will cost approximately $38,000.00, but Catholic Mutual Group through the Archdiocese will pick up that bill, except for a $2,000.00 deductible. Please consider gifting Holy Trinity Parish in your estate planning. Thank you and God bless you!

Holy Trinity Parish Annual Financial Report 2023-2024


Thank you for your generous support! Copies of the annual report at church entrances this weekend. Summary: each church met their budgetary goal, although we are short a parish maintenance/custodial part time person, and have no money set aside for deferred maintenance. In August we replaced the main roof at St. Mary and tarred a small roof section at Holy Trinity, but these are not included in this report because the new financial year began in July. However, the $16,000.00 flat roof repair at St. Mary is included. St. Mary's financial outlook is good because the investment income from the Beulah Wahlin Estate offset this repair. This generous estate gift also paid for the $70,000.00 roof replacement at St. Mary, which will be on the next annual report. The interior repairs at St. Mary because of past water damage will cost approximately $55,000.00, but Catholic Mutual Group through the Archdiocese will pick up that bill, except for a $2,000.00 deductible. Please consider gifting Holy Trinity Parish in your estate planning.

Lost and Found:


There are several children‟s items that have been left in the church over the past year. Please stop by the Holy Trinity community room to see if they belong to you! Thank you!

Mardi Gras Festival/Fundraiser

February 23

Save the Date! Our Mardi Gras festival/fundraiser will be on Sunday, February 23, from noon until 3p.m. at the Goodhue Lions Building.

Mission Sewing


Mission Sewing continues on Thursdays at 9:00AM at Holy Trinity church. All are welcome to sew, tie, iron, trim and laugh!

New Minnesota Child Tax Credit


This new tax credit is available to Minnesotans who have children under 18. www.FamiliesFirst

OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)


OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) met last week, but if you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith, please contact Fr. McCabe. A big thank you to the anonymous donor who contributed to the expense of OCIA, it is now FREE!

Office Housekeeping Note


If the church is closed or there is no one in the office at Holy Trinity, please use the grey drop box to the left of the east door at Holy Trinity (the entrance with the outdoor steps) to leave items such as envelopes, forms, or donations. Please do not leave money on the desk in the office. Thank you for your consideration!

Pacem in Terris Retreat


Allow God’s love to heal, nourish and transform your. life. Find rest in body, mind and spirit in this hermitage sanctuary. No schedules or daily distractions. Pacem in Terris offers guests an environment of silence to pray and enter into an intimate union with God. Open year-round. Gift certificates available. 763-444-6408.

Parish Evangelization Cells (PECS)


Thanks to all involved with small faith and Evangelization groups who met to pray the rosary, celebrate Holy Mass and share experiences and food on Thursday, October 24.

Part-time Maintenance/Custodial Position


At least 21 years of age with a MN Driver‟s License can apply. I prefer a practicing Catholic, since no employee of the Catholic Church can be a counter witness to the Catholic faith. Work up to 6 hours per week, $14- $17/hr. Snow removal before Mass and Faith Formation classes and other events at Holy Trinity; grounds care, maintain riding mower, some custodial and maintenance work at each church. Call Fr. McCabe at 651- 923-4472 by March 15 and provide references. The Essential Three (background check, Code of Conduct and VIRTUS training) will need to be completed.

Pickleball Tournament

March 8

The second annual pickleball fundraiser for First Choice Clinic will be on March 8, beginning at 10 a.m. at Goodhue School. You won't want to miss out on the fun! Food will be served for a free will donation throughout the event. Please contact Kevin at 651-301-5239 with questions.

Please pray for:


Please pray for: Marcy Dilworth, Susan Brown, Margaret Wagner, Maxine Ryan, Ed Heppelmann, Anne Merry, Ray Poncelet, Dave Buck, Scott Cyert, Jerry Joe Majerus, Louise Heppelmann, Brent Hokanson, Anne Skalicky, Neil Stehr, Jen Berg, Marge Majerus, Shawn Frederixon, Gabe Ryan, Laura Luhman, Ryan Zorn, Beth Carlson, Chuck Havrilla, Randy Nardinger, Wilma Seither, Linda Bowar, Alan Gadient, Jameson Letsinger, and Roy Goranson.

Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults


Holy Trinity is dedicated to protecting children and vulnerable adults. Volunteers serving with minors and vulnerable adults must complete requirements before engaging in ministry. Contact - Maria Schultz, Safe Environment Coordinator at:

Small Groups


We are happy to communicate that we have seven (7) Parish Evangelization Cell Small Groups meeting weekly beginning around Lent of which you can sign up to grow as a “missionary disciple” of Jesus Christ and his Church.
Your participation in these groups will keep our parish and families Christ centered. This initiative by Archbishop Hebda is helping us reach out to those who want to share this Christian journey of divine faith, hope and love with us!
Please go online to review and sign up with a small group @ or go to under Ministries: Small Groups for more information.

St Mary’s CCW

February 17

St Mary’s CCW will meet on February 17 at 7 pm.

St Mary’s will serve coffee and rolls after 8:45AM Mass


St Mary’s will serve coffee and rolls after 8:45AM Mass: To assist, sign up on the sheet in the back of Church.

St. Columbkill Potluck and Special Meeting

March 2

Sunday, March 2, after 10:30 AM Mass for potluck, then review bids for proposed Church addition at 1:00 PM. Fortunately, leadership for the Archdiocese Capital Campaign set our start date for the diocese wide campaign for 2026-2027, whereas St. Paul, Zumbrota and St. Michael began their share of the campaign this past January since they are in the pilot stage.

St. Columbkill Potluck and Special Meeting

March 2

St. Columbkill Potluck and Special Meeting, Sunday, March 2 after 10:30 AM Mass to review the bids and plans for the proposed Church addition. Fortunately, leadership of the Archdiocese Capital Campaign has set back for our whole parish until July 2026.

St. Mary’s Coffee and Rolls


St. Mary’s coffee and rolls started Jan. 5. Sign up sheet in back of Church.
Mission Sewing continues on Thursdays at 9:00AM at Holy Trinity church. All are welcome to sew, tie, iron, trim and laugh!

Sympathy and Prayers


Sympathy and Prayers: Our prayers for the Zimbars and Erhardt families whose baby boy Colten died recently. Thank you St. Mary's for your generous donations for our Goodhue Co. Christmas Families in need. Six families and 13 children had a wonderful Christmas! Thank you!

Thank you for your prayers!


My mom, Doris McCabe is home from the hospital. Please pray for Jameson Letsinger who was recently added to the prayer list.

Thank you to Mary Haggerty


Thank you to Mary Haggerty for her many years of service as trustee for our parish! We welcome Samantha Dowden as the new secretary trustee.

The Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for January 2025


For the right to an education Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.

Understanding PTSD & Veterans in Crisis Presentation

March 2

Dr. Steve Lansing and Lake City coauthor B. Wayne Quist will present their new book, “Veterans in Crisis” on Sunday, March 2, from 6-7:30pm at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Goodhue. The public is welcome for this important community service event on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicide prevention. Dr. Lansing is a top specialist in PTSD, a licensed mental health counselor, and a retired veteran of the U.S. Air Force. Dr. Lansing’s presentation will provide valuable information for veterans, first responders, and all people affected by PTSD (from military service or otherwise), and their caregivers. His talks are designed for the general public, easy to understand and often humorous. No registration necessary; all are welcome at 6pm on March 2.

Unlocking The Mysteries Of The Bible

Tuesday mornings (begin Jan. 16)

Are you interested in learning more about the Bible? Join us for an 8-week video and discussion study of “Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible” by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer. Meetings will be Tuesday mornings beginning Jan. 16, 2024 from 8:45-10:30AM at Holy Trinity. Purchase the workbook at which will also give you access to the videos for a year. Questions and sign up call/text Mary Majerus at 651-764-2725 or email

What is FORMED?


Our parish has a subscription to FORMED!
Which means ANYONE can access it for free! What is it?:
FORMED is an online platform filled with over 4,000 Catholic studies, movies, audio dramas, talks, e-books, and even cartoons for our children.
How do I use it?:
You can enjoy FORMED on your computer, phone or on your television with an inexpensive Roku device or Apple TV. You can even listen on your phone as you commute or do chores.
How do I create an account? To create an account (again, for free), go to and type in "55027". Click on Holy Trinity Parish, enter your name and email. That's it!
Our hope and prayer is that the content on FORMED will enrich, deepen, and inspire your faith.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

February 14-16

“Yet, O LORD, you are our father; we are the clay and you the potter; ”
Let us strive to become the work of his hands by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Weekends are Feb 14-16, 2025 in Buffalo, MN and May 16-18, 2025 in Buffalo, MN. Brent & Tracy Chessen at 612-234-7440 or

Young Adult Retreat

March 7-9

Rochester Catholic Young Adult Group is having a retreat March 7-9 at the Alverna Center in Winona for adults aged 18-early 30’s. The retreat is for Lent, and the topic is prayer! For more information, see the flyer in the church entry or contact 507-218-5676, or email abbyeslater@


Holy Trinity is now on Flocknote!
Text HTPARISH to 84576

or connect with us online at:
Flocknote is a parish messaging platform for news and events on your mobile device. Sign up today!


Create a free account!

Go to and type in "55027"


Family Prayer Group

A group for the whole family! In an effort to slow down our family life in a fast paced world, we meet together to better understand the Catholic faith, for fellowship, & to pray. If you are interested, please call and we can tell you more! Eric & Micayla Ryan 651-380-6135

All are welcome!

Thank You Website Sponsors!

Our sincerest thanks to the following businesses for supporting our website with their sponsorships. Please support them with your business.

Contact the parish office if your business would like to become a sponsor on this website. Call 651-923-4472 or Email us.

•HTSponsors.Catholic Daughters.jpg
•HTSponsors.Ryan Grain.jpg
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Mark Rachau Ad.jpg

Office Hours: Mon 10am–2pm at Holy Trinity.

Parish building use request: Call the office

Holy Trinity Catholic Church

211 4th St. N, PO Box 275 
Goodhue, MN 55027


St. Columbkill Catholic Church

36483 Co 47 Blvd, PO Box 275 
Goodhue, MN 55027


St. Mary Catholic Church

221 Chester Ave

Bellechester, MN 55027


Bulletin Submissions

Send an email to by Wednesday. The business office reserves the right to edit articles as time and space allows

©2023 Holy Trinity Parish

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