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Faith Formation Schedule



2024-25 Faith Formation Schedule


Faith Formation Calendar 2024-2025


Vision: To help parents be the primary educators of their children by helping them review their student’s work and accompany them every weekend in the celebration of the Holy Mass, the other Sacraments, Christian service and the study of our Catholic faith. *In case of inclement weather, class cancellations will correspond with Goodhue Public School decisions. Any other changes will be communicated through email and Flocknote.


Grades 1-6 class schedule—Wednesdays from 2:15-3:30 pm at Holy Trinity:
2:15-2:20: Students arrive and go directly to classrooms and catechists take attendance and teach lesson of the day.
Maria Schultz will call parents whose students are not present and have not informed parish office of absence.
2:20-3:20 Catechists teach lesson of the day
3:20-3:30: Fr. McCabe closes with prayer/blessing in church.
Grades 7-10 class schedule—Wednesdays from 7:25-8:35 pm at Holy Trinity:
7:25 – 7:30 Class attendance/review. Maria Schultz will call parents whose students are not present and have not
informed parish office of absence.
7:30 – 8:15 Catechists teach lesson for the day.
8:15 – 8:35 Students gather in church for prayer. Fr. McCabe will lead prayer that parallels the Liturgy of the Word.

This year Catholic students in 8-9 grades will be invited to be confirmed in April 2025, but must attend Holy Mass every weekend (except emergencies) and meet required deadlines with regard to Confirmation sponsor form, service hours form and chosen saint name and report.


Faith Formation Calendar 2024-2025:
Wed. Sept. 11: First Class - All parents are invited to join their students in Church for the first 15 minutes to review the year. Father will bless student’s back packs. Then students will go to their classrooms. Grades 10-11-12 meet at Holy Trinity
Wed., Sept. 18: Class - Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Sat., Sept. 21 – NET Retreat for grades 7-8-9-10 from 12:30-8:00 pm
Wed., Sept. 25: Class - Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Wed., Oct. 2: Class – Grades 10-11-12 kick-off at Third Place for pizza, games, discussion
Wed., Oct. 9: Class - Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Wed., Oct. 16: No Class for both groups (MEA—no school at Goodhue Schools Wed.- Thurs.-Fri., Oct. 16-18)
Wed., Oct. 23: Class (Option for Grades 5-6: stay late to work on saint project) Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Saturday, October 26: All Saints Party at Holy Trinity
Wed., Oct. 30: Class – Grades 10-11-12 – service project
Wed., Nov. 6: Class - Personal Safety lessons will be taught to all grades - Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Wed., Nov. 13: Class - Grades 10-11-12 @ Holy Trinity
Wed., Nov. 20: Class – Grades 10-11-12 – Service Project
Wed., Nov. 27: No Class – Thanksgiving (no school at Goodhue Schools Wed.-Fri., Nov. 26-27)
(Sunday, December 1: First Sunday of Advent)
Wed., Dec. 4: Class (Advent) - Grades 10-11-12 @Third Place
(Monday, December 9 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, not a holy day of obligation. See Sunday bulletin or HT website for
Mass times)
Wed., Dec. 11: Class (Advent) Rehearsal at St. Columbkill for Christmas Pageant Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Sunday, December 15 (tentative date): Christmas Play at St. Columbkill after 10:30 am Mass
Wed., Dec. 18: Class (Advent) (Confessions for grades 3-6 - 2:30-3:30 pm) (Confessions for grades 7-8-9 - 7:30-8:10 pm)
Grades 10-11-12 Service Project
Wed., Dec. 25 and Jan. 1: No class – Christmas (No school for Goodhue Schools Fri., Dec. 23-Mon., Jan 1, 2025)
Wed., Jan. 8: Class - Grades 10-11-12 @Third Place
Wed., Jan. 15: Class - Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Wed., Jan. 22: Class Grades 10-11-12 Service Project
Wed., Jan. 29: Class Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Wed., Feb. 5: Class Grades 10-11-12 @Third Place
Saturday, February 8: First Confession Workshop/First Confession, 9:00-11:00 am at Holy Trinity
Wed., Feb.12: Class - Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Wed., Feb. 19: Class (Lent) – Grades 10-11-12 – Service Project
Wed., Feb. 26: Class (Lent) - Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Wed., March 5: Class (Lent) Ash Wednesday: Grades 1-6 Class begins at 2:15 pm and Mass is at 2:30 pm. Grades 7-9
Class begins at 7:25 pm and Mass is at 8:15 pm. All are invited to participate with the students at the Masses.
Wed., March 12: Class (Lent) - Grades 10-11-12 @ Holy Trinity
Wed., March 19: Class (Lent) - Grades 10-11-12 Service Project
Wed., March 26: Class (Lent) - Grades 10-11-12 @ Holy Trinity
Wed., April 2: Class (Lent) - Grades 10-11-12 @Third Place
Wed., April 9: Class (Lent) Passover Teachings Grades 1-6 and parents - Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
Sat., April 12: Tentative Confirmation Retreat – 1:00-8:00PM at Holy Trinity
Wed., April 16: No Class – Holy Week
(Easter Sunday, April 20)
Wed., April 23: Class - Grades 10-11-12 @Holy Trinity
*Confirmation: Saturday, April 26, 2025 - 10:00 am at the Cathedral of Saint Paul in Saint Paul
Tuesday, April 29: First Communion parent/student meeting 5:30-6:45 pm at Holy Trinity
Wed., April 30: Class - Grades 10-11-12 @Third Place Year-end Celebration
Saturday, May 3: First Communion rehearsal/Confession from 9:00-11:00 am at St. Columbkill
*First Communion: Sunday, May 4, 2025 at 10:30 am at St. Columbkill
Wed., May 7: Class- Last class for all grades. (May Crowning practice)
Sat./Sun., May 10/11: May Crowning at all weekend Masses with First Communicants and Confirmation students
Sun., May 11, 2025 – Welcome Mass for newly Confirmed at 10:30 am at St. Columbkill
Elective special youth and family faith events:
Mardi Gras Set up - Sat., Feb. 22, 2025 at Lions Goodhue Community Center
Mardi Gras - Sun., Feb. 23, 2025 – 12Noon-3:00 pm


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Family Prayer Group

A group for the whole family! In an effort to slow down our family life in a fast paced world, we meet together to better understand the Catholic faith, for fellowship, & to pray. If you are interested, please call and we can tell you more! Eric & Micayla Ryan 651-380-6135

All are welcome!

Thank You Website Sponsors!

Our sincerest thanks to the following businesses for supporting our website with their sponsorships. Please support them with your business.

Contact the parish office if your business would like to become a sponsor on this website. Call 651-923-4472 or Email us.

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Office Hours: Mon 10am–2pm at Holy Trinity.

Parish building use request: Call the office


Holy Trinity Catholic Church

211 4th St. N, PO Box 275 
Goodhue, MN 55027


St. Columbkill Catholic Church

36483 Co 47 Blvd, PO Box 275 
Goodhue, MN 55027



St. Mary Catholic Church

221 Chester Ave

Bellechester, MN 55027


Bulletin Submissions

Send an email to by Wednesday. The business office reserves the right to edit articles as time and space allows

©2023 Holy Trinity Parish

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