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Holy Trinity Catholic Church
St. Mary Catholic Church
St. Columbkill Catholic Church
Welcome to Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Parish was formed in 2013 when the Holy Trinity Church in Goodhue, St. Columbkill Church is Belle Creek, and St. Mary Church in Bellechester where merged together. Each of the churches is still open and we have mass at least once a week in each one.
We are in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis nestled in the rolling hills south of Red Wing Minnesota.
Fr. Thomas McCabe, Pastor
Holy Trinity Parish Mission and Vision
To grow closer to Christ and lead others to him;
striving to become saints.
Address: PO Box 275, Goodhue, MN 55027
Office/Emergency Phone: (651) 923-4472
Office Hours: Mondays 10am-2pm at HT.
Building use request: Call the office.
Confession: Sat. 4:45-5:20pm at Holy Trinity, Sun. 8:20-8:40am at St. Mary, or by appointment.
Baptism: Contact the office at least 3 months before the birth to attend a class and set a date.
First Penance/Eucharist: Register for 1st grade catechism classes in preparation.
Confirmation: Register for 8th - 12th grade catechism classes in preparation.
Marriage: Please call Father McCabe at least nine months prior to tentative date.
Anointing of the Sick: Contact the office especially if in serious illness, near death or upcoming major surgery.
Pastoral Care of the Sick: If you move to a nursing home/care facility, would like a priest to visit, or are unable to attend Mass and would like Communion at home, contact the office.
Funerals: Contact the office.
Mass Intentions: Mail to the office or place in collection. Suggested Mass Intentions to $10.
Bulletin Items: Email to by Wednesday. 12 noon. The business office reserves the right to edit.
If interested in becoming a member (welcome!) or becoming a Catholic, contact the office.
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